Below we have listed the dates & times that we have adjusted hours of operation based on holidays and events. Please feel free to contact us at (727) 474-3103 should you have any questions!
Essentials of Palm Harbor Located at 34302 US Highway 19 N
Please join us for food, drinks, and lots of fun as we celebrate our newest Essentials Location! We will be holding a raffle, doing giveawa...
Essentials of Palm Harbor Located at 34302 US Highway 19 N
On Tuesday July 4th, Essentials of Palm Harbor will be closed in observance of Independence Day. We will resume our normal hours of operati...
On Thursday November 23rd, Essentials of Palm Harbor will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving. We will resume our normal hours of operat...
On Monday December 25th, Essentials of Ehrlich will be closed in observance of Christmas. We will resume our normal hours of operation on Tu...